Sorry for the delay! Here are the links provided to us by the guest teacher, who was kind enough to teach us all a bit about rope bondage:

How to video for the single column tie:
How to video for the double column tie:
Simple chest tie – this is *not* the one I taught, but it was the closest thing I could find and is same level difficulty –

Where to buy rope:
My rope are from a Swedish guy (he is LeChef_ on Fetlife). His website with ropes is: (remember everything is in Swedish kroner). I *think* mine are the Osaka tyoe (but I’m not certain). 
There is also Anatomie Studio in London and they sell rope (I haven’t used it myself, but I know the guys who run it) –
And I know that Kinbaku Lounge also sells rope, but I’m not sure you can buy it online